Monday, April 25, 2016

I Didn't Know I'm Making More Mistakes Than Just Learning

For the past few months of my life (as in the first trimester of 2016), life is getting more hectic and stressed out when it comes to participating in the college environment full time, and I kinda lack sleep. My behaviors are not working right, and there is no way I'm going to drop-out of college. The reason why I'm making more mistakes is because I'm addicted to coffee, deviantART and stuff like that. I felt more inseminated after taking Zumba because personally, repetition and repetition every other time and time over and over again and again, but physically, I was in better shape. In nutrition, I tried to eat more healthful foods, but I'm trying to cut back on fat and I need to lose 2 pounds per week, but they won't let me, for I don't even get a crud about what the heck is wrong with our family's life expectancy?! It lasts for 85 years to be exact, but I wish I will beat the record of 122 years and 164 days, so I can be the sole survivor for the entire class of 2014 worldwide.

I visited church every Sunday now just like anybody else in this world, so thank God there are no more Wednesday nights for me to deal with! Homework and chilling out is the real Wednesday evening, which means staying home is a lot for me to deal with projects more often. And now...

I'm feeling suicidal and now outrageously angry that I'm going to ditch the Student Conduct because I'm literally am trying to compete in order to get what I exactly want, but they won't let me until I have to calm down or else everything gets taken away and I'm mad! Mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, MAD!!!

I'm particularly hidden when everybody approaches and I just don't know what to do. I'm feeling sorry that I realized it, but THINGS DON'T GO THE WAY IT WAS ORIGINALLY INTENDED!!! I'm not joking you, I'm just letting you know that I'm throwing in a rant about the first four months of 2016 in my experience - another economic crisis, laying around while chilling, the Internet, staying up too late while binge-watching, blah, blah, blah! I literally hate my life. *sigh* YOLO, Nat. YOLO! #youonlyliveonce #ihatemylife #notworthit #youremakingmoremistakesthanlearning

On the bright side, I had enough time for reading and homework, but the con: I felt rushed when going in a Panic Monster mental mode and tried to do as fast as I can in order to make everything count as grading. And on the lazy note, I'm not that great at finishing Time Bomb Generation 1: Tales of the Fame of Yesterday now because the file is lost and I have to downgrade to Windows 7 to get what I want to go back to where my parent's laptop is at right now (Windows 10 if you don't know me). And on the redeeming quality, I met up with a few people and had a Core Membership that lasted for a month, and BANG! No more scheduling 3 things for every top of the clock. #makedagreatagain

And what's more that we've never seen before in my 20 years? To Save a Life. That's right! A movie where it's like a real-life version of the Internet meme video classic hit Perspectives. When it first came out, we weren't there because my parents overprotected us from watching it because of the suicide and violence. Three years later, when it was chosen over the other picks like The Hobbit, we still are at home with nothing that much. I'm so desperate to see this, I should've known better than that. And then, one week later, the plot similar to Perspectives spoiled and ruined it for me. So that's why I never get to see it for the next three years. But then, one day... when I looked at the KCLS website, I noticed the movie icon, clicked on it and I think it was a win-win to discover what I'm missing, so I placed it on hold. Two months later, I checked it out and I was so excited to see this, even though it was a six-year long wait and I'm out of the K-12 school system for supposedly one and a half years. Two hours of the movie later, it was a good film. It was totally realistic that there's one person whom after he lost his childhood friend to suicide have turned from average to superhero in a span of a semester. If I ever watched it when I was 14, it would've been one of the best films of all time in my life, and I would be so happy to pick Groton over Juanita due to me who would've read Prep in eighth grade, but no... in real life, I had never heard of the book Prep until we found out in a 2012-13 Banned Book resource booklet. We ordered it on Amazon, we tried and it failed. I couldn't get it until one day at Value Village, we had the jackpot and I'm so eager to read this. Over the other half of 2015, I've read Prep and this is a good and interesting story with a clever, shy introvert who got involved in a school and been friends with people for her high school career as a boarding school student at Ault from 1989-1993. I highly recommend To Save a Life for those who wait from out of doubt in the streets of big cities, and I definitely recommend Prep for those who hate the East High preps with a burning passion and would prefer to stick with the real preps of the realistic livelihood of this world. But what could be more epic than that? The Rapture (1991). We've seen the trailer of it, and our family thought it was too intense to watch in their culture. I know they've placed the movie trailer in a DVD of a youth church Christian school thingy something - I forgot the title, but I am not allowed to watch The Rapture because... there are some visual effects we don't even have to think about it due to the wrong message of spirituality in the book of Revelation. I checked the reviews and I've been warned - not safe for work in the beginning, Sharon feeling empty and saw the dream of the Pearl, she accepted the Sect. Six years later, her husband died. God telling her to take her daughter to go to the desert and wait for the Second Coming. The day before the Rapture, Sharon killed her daughter and blamed God for a day before she was taken to the lake of fire with the majority of people in this world. I know... I KNOW!!! Yes... the synopsis is revealed, and I'm not going to watch it (unless I'm feeling brave enough). So the final verdict for To Save A Life: inspiring.

Look what I've done: I feel useless after four months, and here's the habit to improve: DO YOUR DEVOTIONS EVERY MORNING AND NIGHT, EVEN THOUGH IT'S BEEN A MONTH.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

I'm Warning Myself!

I'm not going on DeviantArt anymore on my personal laptop because of the stupid advertisements, and here's why I felt so mad and annoyed by this, thankfully, I now had my song remembered from my childhood that deserves to be revived after a longer break than ever before.

And before you go, from this moment onward, I will be able to keep the eye on the lock or either you'll see the "https://" thing. Remember last year that the letter "s" for security was added, so we can be protected from viruses, malware and identity theft? That's great! Let's get going with this moment of my life on what I felt and reacted to the advertisements I need to close it off, so I can log on in peace this past morning via the infamous song.

Thank you all for reading and listening. If you really love this song like me, that's totally fine! If not, what in the world's wrong with you?!

And... UPDATE: I can wait for a whole weekend to log on for any new notifications and be good with it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Is swag a swear word?

The answer is yes and no.

1. it's something that doesn't have to last very long
2. it's brief
3. it's too trendy nowadays
4. it's out of nowhere in mind
5. it feels more like "forget" in slang

It's just a quick rant, folks.

Monday, April 18, 2016

This is a News Shocker for All of You Evangelists, You Bookworms, and More Around the World!!!

This is the number 6 in the 2015 Banned and Challenged Booklist according to ALA:
This is taken from the Los Angeles Times article.
Yes, it was the most controversial book in the world because it's only one reason why? Because of the religious viewpoint - most likely: it's Christian. Recently, I think Evangelists believe that the church is growing, but studies showed that atheism is on the horizon within younger generations to come and I have a bad feeling about what the world is gonna change. To be honest, this book is banned in over 50 countries and I know it was the number one bestseller in the world for all of humankind's history - over 1,500 years! It was definitely a long reader to pass on from generation to generation, start to finish to learn only one deity and nothing else before graduating from planet Earth to go to heaven. I was definitely raised a fundamentalist whose parents were raised Catholic, and before I hear a prayer for the first time in my entire life, it's just a usual day I pretty much noticed from the moment I saw a quality children's program on video or something - get up, do some exciting adventure while interacting others to learn, go home at the end of the day and it's straight off to bed with what we've already had in mind. From a three-year old, I think "Wow! This is so much fun, let's do it again." I'm all excited as a little girl back then, but as a college student 17 years later, that seems pointless from my current perspective because I'm already warming my writing skills up to continue writing a book. After the first few heard prayers, I just questioned who God is, what is Jesus Christ and what is LORD for I'm very curious. This is suddenly going to get involved within my life as the knowledge of Christianity starts to grow bit by bit, that I first realized that the church was a very special place to go on Sundays, but currently, it's not just that. It's more of an impacted environment on looking at how the world's feeling right now via sermons, you get to go to meetings and stuff like that. I've enjoyed it alright, and this is a natural spiritual journey that came by so fast, technology-wise, I was a bit behind and it looks like my phone does not have the touchscreen like in general and common-wise because it's just a slidey-phone with pushy buttons on the front and fits right in my pocket. I barely shopped online with little to no money, and I do not get to have a job as a teenager because of full-time schooling. Thankfully, if time spares, how about self-employment for handicrafts? It happened for nearly three years since I was seventeen. Sometimes, I tried to do my best to improve the relationship with God, but the question is: How am I going to do something like that? Do the SOAP method, or why PSOUP. I know the SOAP/PSOUP is for amateur writers when it comes to sermons, I want a different reflection method that looks similar to college, so it looks way past pro in my opinion. The lecture outline method works very easy to handle on what I've exactly learned and understood. In study, you sometimes use SOAP when it comes to the life journals that are freely accessible straight from table to yours to keep for no additional cost. How am I feeling right now? I'm feeling kinda irritated because sometimes people shove down something related to Planned Parenthood or general enough to believe in down the reader's throat in order to gain popularity and/or money for no apparent reason such as the infamous mass mainstream media because some people say it all goes downhill from there as time passes on, and I already found out it's today's culture embedded on not only Yahoo! Answers and deviantART when it comes to some stamps, but it happens all over the Internet as well as the whole entire planet. We are all living in the last days!!! Don't you remember to keep watch and pray you just don't fall into sin? PLEASE DO YOUR DEVOTIONS FIRST THING IN THE MORNING AND AT THE END OF THE DAY ON A REGULAR SCHEDULE!!! I'm warning you evil is on afoot.

Enough ranting about my thing, so respect my opinion if you can. Thank you, and good day.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


See the video below for more information on how you can participate in the movement for the better world!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Happy Mid-April!

Today is April 15, and it looks like Tax Day again in USA... What could be better than the stress of trying to pay taxes? Check out the video NOW!!!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Apologies That I Had a Tough Time of Not Understanding Well!

I'm sorry that I had a problem this weekend: I had delayed a math test until Monday due to my long waiting and my absence at the same time. I understand that I made-up a day and I still need to recover from stress, but I'm not wasting anymore time procrastinating. Here's a video series why I felt dirty this morning from what I've just watched last night. It's embarrassing!

Close the annotations. We're not doing that. Just sit back, relax and loose your mind!

So, what do you think? Do you like it? If you feel guilty, let me know in the comments below and I'll get back to you whether I make.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Poets Of The Fall - Sleep

This is one of my best songs about my IBF by far, and I love it. It should be added to my track listing of my forthcoming playlist for my fanfic. Please keep that in mind that this is his lullaby to me in my opinion as a self-explanation.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Have you seen my imaginary friend's half-siblings?

Anyways, I'm sorry that this is the rough draft that's completely forgotten. And remember: no comments please unless I really mean it when officially done because it was meant to be written whether I have to in any future updates. So, without further ado...

I came up on the idea that befell on the half-siblings. Here's a list of the half-siblings because although my imaginary friend is a firstborn of his father but the only one through his mother, I understand it by the way. Enjoy:

General Information

Haru Jay Davis
Gender: Male
Born: 6:59 A.M., August 21, 1992
Birthplace: St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Astrological Sign: Leo
Marital Status: Single
Height: 6' 0''
Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Skintone: Peach
Species: Human
Hypothetical Father: Harvard John Davis
Mother: Farrah Caroline (nee Hewitt) Davis
Siblings: 2 brothers - Nikolai Lear Davis (5 years younger than him - born August 14, 1997) and Vinny Julio Davis (2 years older than him - born May 20, 1990)
Pets: Pet Rock named Bart Walker
Religion: Christianity - Mormon type

  • Everyday wear: Orange 100% Cotton T-Shirt, white basketball shorts, white socks, and white and orange Nike tennis shoes
  • Formal wear: Powder blue tuxedo
  • Sleepwear: white tank top and dark grey boxer briefs
  • Athletic wear: neon green rubber band, grey tanktop, white shorts and dark blue athletic running shoes
  • Swimwear: white T-Shirt and jade green swimboxers
  • Outerwear:

Favorite Music: Anything retro and nostalgic
Favorite One-Hit Wonder: Disco medley of Star Wars theme
Favorite Book: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Favorite Film: Napolean Dynamite (2004)
Favorite Food: Cheesesteak
Favorite Drink: root beer
Favorite Color: Orange
Good Qualities:
Bad Habits:
  • Athletic
  • Friendly
  • Loves the outdoors
  • Snob
  • Insane
Lifetime Wish:

Penelope Jennifer Alihodzic
Gender: Female
Born: 2:10 A.M., June 18, 1994
Birthplace: London, UK
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 147 lbs
Hair Color: Light blonde with sky blue streaks
Eye Color: Dark blue
Skintone: Light peach
Species: Demigod
Hypothetical Father: Gerald Alihodzic
Mother: Tina Susan (nee Budde) Alihodzic
Siblings: n/a - only child (very special and unique like her half-brother who is three whole years older than her)
Pets: 1 white cat named Goliath
Religion: Atheism - Black Arms type
  • Everyday wear:
  • Formal wear: Size 10 David's Bridal grey prom dress and fancy white sandals
  • Sleepwear: Sky blue, midnight blue and white slip
  • Athletic wear: Cobalt blue T-Shirt, denim blue capris and cadet blue camoflauge sneakers
  • Swimwear: Antique blue tankini
  • Outerwear: Snow white hood, navy blue dress and glass slippers
Favorite Music: Classical
Favorite One-Hit Wonder: Heal by Tom Odell
Book: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Film: Anything classic noir
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Color: Icy Blue
Good Qualities
Bad Habits
  • Loner
  • Loves the Cold
  • Hot-headed
  • Neat
  • Brave
Lifetime Wish: Mystic Healer

Hailey Brynn McKinley
Gender: Female
Born: 4:31 A.M., June 23, 1994
Birthplace: Salem, Oregon, USA
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 141 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Teal
Skintone: Peach
Species: Human
Hypothetical Father: Paulson Christofferson McKinley
Mother: Alexandria Joy (nee McLawchlin) McKinley
Siblings: 1 younger brother named Neill Jakson McKinley (born July 19, 1998) and 1 younger sister named Anastasie Joslyn McKinley (born April 2, 2001)
Pets: 1 small fish named Equity
Religion: Christianity - Lutheran type
  • Everyday wear: Sky blue T-Shirt with a red heart and yellow lightning bolt printing in center, black mini skirt with dark grey jumper pants, white socks and red tennis shoes
  • Formal wear
  • Sleepwear
  • Athletic wear
  • Swimwear
  • Outerwear
Favorite Music: Internet sensation
Favorite One-Hit Wonder: Let It Go by Demi Lovato
Favorite Book: Anything by John Green
Favorite Film: Enchanted (2007) and Megamind (2010)
Favorite Food: Pancakes
Favorite Drink: Lemonade
Favorite Color: Sky Blue
Good Qualities
Bad Habits
  • Excitable
  • Genius
  • Good Sense of Humor
  • Social Butterfly
  • Computer Whiz
Lifetime Wish: 5-Star Blogger

Juno Kay "Maxine" Hearn
Gender: Female
Born: 1:42 P.M., July 25, 1996
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA
Astrological Sign: Leo
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair Color: Strawberry blonde
Eye Color: Cerulean
Skintone: Peach
Species: Human
Hypothetical Father: Curtis Ringo Hearn
Mother: Victoria Nicole (nee Lutomski) Hearn
Siblings: 2 sisters - Maryl Ygraine Hearn (a year younger than her - born December 17, 1997) and Arliene Lynet Hearn (4 years younger than her - born February 25, 2000)
Pet: 1 small dog named Alayna
Religion: Christianity - United Methodist type
  • Everyday wear: Black camisole, blue denim jacket, denim blue jeans and classic 1980s tennis shoes
  • Formal wear: Size 8 Barbie pink dress and jet black high heels
  • Sleepwear: Victoria's Secret rainbow bra and panties
  • Athletic wear: Sports bra, mini shorts, off-white kneepads and tennis shoes
  • Swimwear: Hollywood pink bikini
  • Outerwear: Taupe snow jacket, cadet blue yoga pants and ebony black boots
Favorite Music: Bad 80s New Wave and Dark Wave
Favorite One-Hit Wonder: Don't Stop Believin' by Journey
Book: Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
Film: Pretty in Pink (1986)
Favorite Food: Hot dogs
Favorite Drink: Coca Cola
Favorite Color: Pink
  • No sense of humor
  • Virtuoso
  • Comic bookworm
  • Basketball lover
  • Impatient
Lifetime Wish: Master Romancer

Hadrian Braydon Asari
Gender: Male
Born:  7:17 P.M., April 15, 1998
Birthplace: Nashville, Tennesse, USA
Astrological Sign: Aries
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skintone: Olive
Species: Human
Hypothetical Father: Silverio Nelek Asari
Mother: Siana Bree (nee Guerra) Asari
Siblings: 2 brothers - Hubert Bors Asari (5 years younger than him - born August 31, 2003) and Lorin Axel Asari (2 years older than him - born March 21, 1996)
Pets: 1 horse named Swift Ranger
Religion: Christian - Fundamentalist type
  • Everyday wear: Black T-Shirt, blue jeans and dark brown shoes
  • Formal wear
  • Sleepwear
  • Athletic wear
  • Swimwear
  • Outerwear
Favorite Music: Contemporary rock
Favorite One-Hit Wonder: Comatose by Skillet
Favorite Book: The Maze Runner by James Dashner
Favorite Film: Stargate (1994)
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Color: Purple
Loves: summer, the countryside
  • Disciplined
  • Loves the outdoors
  • Good
  • Athletic
  • Adventurous
Lifetime Wish: The Animal Rescuer

And now, specials:

Halloween Costumes and Events
Haru Jay Davis
Kindergarten: clown
1st grade:
2nd grade:
3rd grade:
4th grade:
5th grade:
6th grade:
7th grade:
8th grade:
9th grade:
10th grade:
11th grade:
12th grade:

Penelope Jennifer Alihodzic
Kindergarten: Snow queen
1st grade: Blue fairy
2nd grade:
3rd grade:
4th grade:
5th grade:
6th grade:
7th grade:
8th grade:
9th grade: Penelope from Penelope
10th grade:
11th grade:
12th grade:

Hailey Brynn McKinley
1st grade:
2nd grade:
3rd grade:
4th grade:
5th grade:
6th grade:
7th grade:
8th grade:
9th grade:
10th grade:
11th grade:
12th grade: Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games trilogy

Juno Kay "Maxine" Hearn
Kindergarten: Clara from the Nutcracker
1st grade: Rapunzel
2nd grade: Odette from Swan Lake
3rd grade: Kim Possible
4th grade: Beauty queen
5th grade: Hannah Montana
6th grade: Princess Elise from Sonic 06
7th grade: Bella Swan from Twilight
8th grade: Bad 80s girl
9th grade: steampunk version of Ariel
10th grade: showgirl
11th grade: stays home and studies
12th grade: same from last year

Hadrian Braydon Asari
1st grade:
2nd grade:
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
9th grade
10th grade
11th grade
12th grade

Gifts and Birthday Details
Haru Jay Davis

Penelope Jennifer Alihodzic

Hailey Brynn McKinley

Juno Kay "Maxine" Hearn

Hadrian Braydon Asari

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Autism Awareness Day 2016 Post

Hey, guys! I do have some good and not-so-good news I've just heard about over spring break:
  • The month of April is back for more of my thing, so we had a walk-a-thon for free at my very own hometown of Kirkland today that came with resource booths and the fun fair.
  • Last night, I had a great time on an evening out for pizza (yum!), salad and board games.
  • Hancock Fabrics will be closing in the month of June most likely near my home because of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and not only is it going out of business, but it happens within the other 184 stores nationwide depending on how much time is it going to stay open.
  • Last week, 3 people got baptized, but 10 children are accepted by the LORD.
  • I already had a surprise going through five stations and I realized that I need to know how to stay awake, watch and pray so I won't procrastinate ever again.
  • I picked up some of the trash in my room to make more space.
  • I paid $40.50 for the online test, but the grant already covered the tuition for this term.
  • I need to think about the summer program, but you'll never know what's gonna happen to my plan quite yet.
  • I had found my journal focusing on the upcoming book Where It All Began. And now, I'll resume whether I have to think about it.
  • Sometimes, I have a lazy time, for I definitely slept in after staying up late at night. But the only productive thing for my mental health is I had read the first 22 chapters of Maximum Ride Episode IV: The Final Warning before I had noticed a hole in the beginning of chapter 23. I stopped right there, so I can't go back into it unless I have all of my library fines paid and the audiobook version needs to get checked out. So, from Yahoo! Answers by far, the results are in: still nothing. Anyways, Autism Awareness Month is officially here for the umpteenth time in a row and I will be able to know more about the truth of the origin of my disability and how it became so popular with the book Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman.
Thank you for reading the special post and have a good day!