Yesterday, I got up in a really terrible mood because I just want to sleep in so I could skip service and be done with it, although I haven't done it in a long time since Dad is sick at one time and I just slept in at another time when I wasn't feeling too well. I got so mad, I just forced myself to go to church with the family. I stayed in the van the entire time right before service, went inside and I sat in the sanctuary while I'm just concentrating on the journal rather than what everyone's doing because while they're meditating, I'm studying extremely hard for the sermon and I produced a decent amount of notes, even though the outline already said it. The new church could be coming in September, and I would rather skip every now and then in order to get on with my life, especially family nights on Wednesdays.
My summer... really boring with all the drama involved, but Internet-wise, I felt like I can't go on to Blogger anymore because I'm addicted to tumblr right now. I seriously can't go to deviantART on my laptop because of the stupid ads that block my way, although I could at least access to it on Wii U at one point or another. I'm becoming more open-minded to how people are doing by far via YouTube: one of them is having a child of the same gender by the same month as I heard of 2 years earlier. Man, this story gets so old quickly! The only difference is back in super senior year, we have more videos compared to now. Is the baby gonna be named after the little prince? Yes. Is there ever gonna be the move again?! Not really, but we'll see. Gaming-wise, I felt addicted to Candy Crush series, but I got the gadget if you want to see updates on how did I progressed through every single level on every episode in every world. Financially, I went from being decently rich to broke to another small wave of being rich to being broke again. My grandmother started aging, and I already started the summer job doing the calculations for stamp pricing with my mom's help. Hours later, we usually got paid. Lately, I haven't eaten within the past weekend because I simply want to lose weight, even while sleeping. I just ate nothing but something that came with fast food stuff. The question is: Will the Frappuccino era come to the end this year? As long as cold weather returns for good, sure thing!
About the location: we've stayed in one area for too long and that's enough! I've pretty much stayed one night in Union Gap, but it's just a trip. I could go someplace else the weekend after Labor Day for Portland, Oregon. In nearly the past decade by far, I'm very short of flights to vacation destinations due to road trips. That's just the colossal waste of time doing nothing but to chill 24/7!
Nearly one year ago, I clicked on the link "How Not to Procrastinate" via Canvas and the result: it's Wait But Why. I fell immensely deep in love with the cartoon sketches the writer had created for us to enjoy what's intended to be at least funny on the right spots here and there while he's doing it in more specific detail about the topic. I wish I would have the hangout weekend with the club I'm trying to establish, but it's just life.
Looking back on my life, I was born in the progressive decade and my early childhood was spent on it most of the time before my sister was born near the beginning of 2000 (I was four when it happened). At the tail end of the 90s, I was diagnosed with autism. In the 2000s, I heard recently about the decade where one said "This has terrible memories!" and another said "It's a meh." I mean come on! The 2000s were my childhood - it has been filled with Radio Disney stuff I grew up with, and that's fine. The con: I was not fully aware of 9/11 until 6th grade when it started to get mentioned on one particular day in middle school, my grandmother died when I was seven, in the midst of the recession, all three of my grandpas died in one year when I was just 13 years old, we moved back from Salem and my formal education was totally screwed up at that time. I'm too awkward to care more of the top 40 after the HSM era because of what I've already heard of is officially wrong and completely pointless. I was brainwashed to society... it's not until we get to the 2010s where I grew out of the top 40 phase and moved on to my taste that has little meaning of this in the past five years, and I started listening to Pandora to make my taste of rock music grow. The more meaningful is life, the better I'm literally more well-written. When 2012 rolled around, I grew out of the stupidness and moved on to just the right amount of real education that now I am starting to catch up with my mathematics with Algebra I in junior year. Thank god for that! YA fiction was the classic staple, but the favorite genre of literature back then, and I enjoyed it to bits from If I Stay to Mad Science Institute to Phantom of the Opera to The Fault in Our Stars to The Outsiders. And then, we came to starting Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Uglies right off the bat over the summer, in succession by The Life of Pi. It took me 3.5 months to go through the whole book of Moby Dick, and man, was it tedious with the huge exposition of whales and everything.
With excited participation in taking on banned books, I was heavily full-blown with studies of biology and geometry. I never took part in history, but luckily, I enjoyed it in second semester of junior year starting with the USA in the past 100 years after the US government. I knew the specific meaning between democrats and republicans - liberals and conservatives. I was politically a moderate according to the quiz, because it doesn't say anything about it. Others in the same classroom lean toward the conservative mode where they are supposed to be concerned about today's issues in American culture in a serious tone to take this. I was raised on a conservative household, because we are Evangelicals under the witness of God despite the fact that my parents are raised Catholic. I wonder what happened when time flew by.
Fast forward to 2014, and I enjoyed the world history from the Renaissance to present day as well as dealing with India and China's background at one semester. We even discovered the hidden message behind the Nazis: it's the swatiska and the Aryans. These terms traced way back to the days when the Indians were native to the clay village and endless access to water. The Great Wall of China was the Renaissance wonder in the far east, although it's not that ancient. Enough research on the world history lead me to the excitement to publish fanfiction about the story in which the title was named after the song by All Time Low: Time Bomb.
By the end of the recession, not long after that, I established a blog in what is known for today. It's the diary of life and death and everything else in between, stories about life real and fictional. There are book reviews, WatchMojo Top 10 lists, movie reviews, show reviews, script reviews, and more.
I graduated from high school on Friday the 13th of June 2014 at 8:43 P.M., but my freedom on the inside was exposed via the Internet because I came of consent age nationwide. One year and three days later, I finally got out of school. Again, thank heavens! College began a tad late, and I don't know anybody around as much as I did now. The unknown environment is so big, so intense, I might be far off to study what everybody's doing now: some people never learn. Others realized it once when they're ready to get married. Some could be as smart as I do. Others are masters when it comes to being so careful about the things they've done. I enjoyed stuff to improve myself mentally in the past year, and I love it when it happened. The first term was good, but flexible. 2016: it's a year full of drama by far, and I literally can't stand my feelings anymore. All that I did now is the lack of energy from happening, and I just don't feel like getting up in the morning to go to school on time. I blew it enough! It's been seven years and four months, and it was the right time for me to just kick out of the house right now to go someplace elsewhere when I don't even know 100% of anybody.
'Nuff was said.
It's about the story of a young woman named Natalie who had autism, and she had a golden heart full of dreams, a mind full of pure imagination and overcoming the perks of being nobody. Signing on since 2013.
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