Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

If you're gonna be a mom in how much longer until the due date or either next year, congratulations! If this is your first mother's day after your child was born within one year, now it's the perfect time to be thankful. If you had plenty of gifts before, I hope you'll enjoy another nickel because it happens annually. My mom had an inspirational role as the mother for the past 20 years since I came into this world, she is sacred, creative, charismatic, a green thumb and nurturing. I know I discussed about her in the prologue post, but that's fine to be honest. She could handle children with disabilities a lot easier than she had when she was younger before me. She and I would like to have a fun weekend at camp for $25 per family, and then, Dad and my sisters will be at home. And recently, she had attended my cousin's third wedding in Vegas over her four-day weekend with my aunt and grandmother. But now that my mom said I made an abundant amount of hats, she and I will be able to sew other things. I will make headbands and critters for over the summer while she has to take care of my grandma once or twice a week, and I have to go visit her sometimes because I've just read a book called "The Fifth Season" by a daughter-in-law of Jeanne in memoir format for the last seven years of Jeanne's life from the author's perspective and I've attended a free seminar on aging. Although this year is gonna be the one of the final Mother's Days for my grandmother, I have been waiting to be a mother one day in life.

A traditional mother has to do things home economic, whereas a modern mom works from 9-5 Monday-Friday. I'm kinda leaning on both sides, so I stay neutral. I've read about what it means to be a real woman when it comes to the book called "Secrets About Guys" because of the true calling that I'm supposed to be a damsel-in-distress at the palace waiting for a knight to come home after 5 in the afternoon, not leave the palace behind and fight the dragon - that's militant feminism in our society nowadays. One Yahoo! Answers question said: "Would you rather be free or in a relationship?" Since most people lean toward relationships, it's least likely to be free. My answer: "I'm free for now, but I'm waiting for a relationship a few years later." That's kinda both, so I once again stayed neutral overtime. I want fingers-crossed to never be a manchild and to not be a troll, that's good to hear. I want a job, even if I deserve it because the job fair is next week and I'm planning to take a summer job at home, doing home economics and writing in order to get paid for a living. That's my goal!

If I have to make a card for her and get a gift from the Dollar Store, that's totally fine, for my household is very tight on money, and we're trying to be financially stable by running a garage sale our whole entire family had never experienced like this before in my 20 years. Our house would be in better shape if we have to clean up and organize things to store for years to come. I would be more excited to get more space in my room than it currently has, and all it does is a pathway straight to bed, I could barely touch the alarm clock within reach when I was starting to wake up. The booklet said that loving a bed means I could never trust God wholeheartedly for the first 30 minutes of the day, and that pray-reading feels so old, formal and Catholic/Lutheran to me. The phrase "feeding the spirit with the Word of God for the spiritual nourishment on a daily basis" means what should I do? Grab some wood from the box and throw in the unquenchable fire of the Holy Ghost to find its satisfaction? To me, yes. It rather takes time for me to change the way I have experienced life. Not only am I raised on traditional values and I did grew up in the 2000s listening to Radio Disney, but also, I remembered the songs on a recent basis and I think to myself, "Oh, the memories! How fun." It definitely influenced the third part of my prequel fanfic for the songs to rather replace the crud of mediocre-tween-pop for fake preps and to get attention on those who remembered My Generation (2010 TV Show) and the Alice series by Naylor combined. I would be friends with Alice and the nine alumni from Greenbelt High Class of 2000 if I have interest in them, but no... I'm a sci-fi geeky tomboy with a mediocre feeling in mainstream music and the new Disney. Man, how was I brainwashed! Old Shame... it's happening on the day before Memorial Day, and I could pop the popcorn the old-fashioned way. And after that, I'll probably have to finish the longest review before having to catch-up with the other reviews and materials before the end of this academic school year.

That is distinctly enough of my chit-chat, I would like to say Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for reading, and have a good day.

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