Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I (Finally) Kissed an Imaginary Friend!

As I come of age
for the first time in forevermore
things have changed
for good
My behavior is mature enough
Semester One is done
The narrator's favorite main character passed on
Thus having him to switch perspectives
To independent mode - me and everyone else
In my world
The sun arises!
So the landscape brightens!
Into the new and glorious morn
I (finally) kissed an imaginary friend
So last week...
Not only do his lips touch mine
But it can also break away the five-day separation
Yeah, yeah I celebrate imagination
After all of these years of the making
Eight years in the making
Looking back
My life is the same without him
I need to know why
Why did I keep his promise he was supposed to give to his true girlfriend?
I've done wrong for too long, I must've done something good
My traits were:
Good - Santa's giving me good stuff every Christmas
Artistic - My sister Lauren's going great with her drawing skills, I was cartoony
Good sense of humor - I was funny with my style of writing
Party animal - I'm no sex toy, I'm not a peer pressure target with everything wrong (for I am a censored kind - I go to important good parties)
Bookworm - Being literary for life is so good since Facing the Lions in 2011
My lifetime wish:
I'll have a pure imaginative journey and join in the fun with the Broke and the Bookish
I'm so sick and tired of those world problems
I need more of you God
I can't go on without you God
I just can't get enough of Your Faithfulness
Last Sunday
We won the Super Bowl finally
After eight years of redemption
We're #12
We could be the MVP
I watched the whole entire game
And before you know it
We'll watch the parade tomorrow
. . .
 This is my life for now
Things are a hustling and a bustling
As I try to make things straight and ready to get going
What else can I come up within
If I were to open up and explore new worlds
My life won't be mainly complete
Without my bookshelf
So much to do
So much fun to come
I adopted Emma yesterday
That counts as my adopted daughter for my world
I'm a single mother for now
Until then... I will marry my "nerdy" imaginary friend
When my time has come for me to read
"The Hunger Games" finally
I may wonder what else could our little child can handle with
If it's a boy - his name is Kyuseishu
If it's a girl - her name is Antigone
I hope it's a girl, and so do my nerdy imaginary friend
On his 22nd birthday
But when its time has come to compete
Our people will come to watch the skies as many starships begin to shoot
Millions of soldiers from distant worlds were beig retreated
As our people were shooting at the strangers and the ships
While the 23 other kids will be sacrificed for life
No words can describe the queen mother's tears
No words can hear my broken heart
I have to leave my baby on the doorstep,
so no one could ever take him/her away
To the annual games
My dreams keep haunting and haunting
In the end, my literary life will be over completely killed
In "Mockingjay"
I need to revive in "Divergent" and beyond
After such a long, long break
It's not over
My literary life is my journey
My choice is to make the bookish dreams happen
I make a family of two
Me, 18 and Emma, 8
Ten years apart from each other
Her birthday was yesterday
My birthday is just two weeks ago
I became romantic interests with my nerdy imaginary friend
Whose number of hints was the four
All I need to do is to come back with more later in the future
These first two weeks as a YA
Were the very best
What now?

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