Thursday, April 24, 2014

Among the Waiting for Real World (Emma was With Me)

        My mind starts to tick some time off of the calendar and the clock. I was waiting to let my resolutions for 2014-15 happen in real-life. I got enough information taken care of for a long time since I wanted to find out information about banned books that I know I'm going to expose my mind to freedom from censorship like authors do, but I can't; I urge to do so - for my mom let me have good, satisfactory stuff happening in life. I miss my imaginary friends who have gone away from me beside Emma. Emma has been exposed to my music and she wished music doesn't exist like the poor, strict orphanage she was raised in.
        Emma, an eight-year old girl whose favorite food was lasagna, her favorite drink is Pepsi, her favorite color was pink, traits were good, genius, is a dog person and her dreams were to be a teacher at school. My favorite food was grilled cheese, my favorite drink is water, my favorite color is purple. My traits were good, artistic, good sense of humor, party animal and a bookworm. I'm a dog person and my dream is to go to college and make it a reality by becoming an author in YA - a creative writer that is.
        Recently, on Easter day, I showed her my religion which is Christian. This made Emma's life to feel changed forever through the passion. In real-life, the Transformed interactive presentation made me want to hear that I had been on busy schedule since I was nine or ten. That is what my dad had said it as part of the presentation. It was inspired for Autism Awareness month which is April. I supported and inspired it, even though the National Library Week was set on Holy Week for this year. When we go home, I showed her about my imaginary friends from photo albums.
        "Look Emma, this is..."
        "What?! I don't know that on a picture. It reminds me of guinea pigs by the way."
        "Silly, Em."
        Just 34 school days left until my pure imagination walkthrough splits in two. One continues with the main story and the other can have the freedom to read after the Senior celebrations. Note to self: read The Hunger Games trilogy in both walkthroughs. It's delovely enough to get your key to success going on the blog! Remember that Emma will get more and more involved on my future ahead in one walkthrough by telling me what to do with my imaginary child(ren) and the other is just the fulfillment through Emma after the turn of rising action. Do this Nat, you're going to make it. That's 1,577 miles worth of walking through the grad year so far. 251 more days left until finalizations are published!

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