Monday, May 19, 2014

Evolution: Described and Captioned

Have you seen this from earlier when you first come into the blog for reading up-to-date at the beginning of this school year (2013-14)?
Have you played Duck Life 3 before and you ended up like this?

Well then... if you answered yes to any of these questions, I guess let's get things going around. How about that?

        Today, we are learning about evolution in biology class. What does evolution mean? Evolution is the change that occurs very slowly, even from today. The point is that it comes from science and yes that's atheist for all reasons. It's because of the theory we're discussing - we as humans come from the planet of the apes. Notice how dogs and cats came from wolves and lions? It's much changing a lot from plenty of eras ago. Have I imagined that werehogs evolved into hedgehogs? Seems strange but it's exclusively from Sonic Unleashed the video game.
        Have you read Twilight before? You might have heard about the stormy pair of star-crossed lovers: Bella Swan - an ordinary human girl and Edward Cullen - the sparkling vampire. We get the love triangle between Bella and Edward Cullen or Jacob Black - the werewolf (who doesn't own a shirt, but actually gets a shirt). In the end, Bella turned into a vampire in the final book. Result: The author strayed some perspective from what's true to the story to the anti-climax being of what's pleasing to fans. That's according to Broke and Bookish people. It's a lackluster series ender!
        For my opinion: hmmm, it's not accurate. The universe is not that old as it seems from 15 billion years ago. It looks as much young as over 6,000 years that it's been made from nothing by God. We're actually made from dust and out of dust came mankind. At the same day, God made land animals. Earlier, God made the world, sun, moon, birds and fish. About marraige, last year, some of my state's people approved R-74 and yes marraige is evolving from straight to just gay-marraige. Families are going from married couple with children to just single-parent families. One couple gets divorced every 30 seconds in America, one kid dies every few seconds from hunger in the world, 12-13 girls get married every 30 seconds. Yes, Christian is getting dumber overtime from now - it's changing, people. You know what's coming? END OF THE WORLD! I heard that already.
        A naturalist is a biologist. A biologist is a person that studies biology. In England, biologists were called naturalists. We learned about Darwin, how he traveled around the world on the Beagle ship, and how he wrote a book called "On the Origin of Species". The book explains scientifically about coadaptation of species. The point: it's like doing scientific models to make it accurate like over and over again. That's not the case scenario - let's face it! It's a good thing to know about the domain of species, but it may be interesting.

Song: Wanted: Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi

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