Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why Did I Ever Kissed an Imaginary Friend?

        It never happened back then. It's all because of the visionary sunshine-rainbow-unicorn cliche thing for me to do. I had a weird dream that life is getting so unrealistic. Oh, how fun it is for me to go through, but suddenly, I don't feel immortally, but instead, things look getting more ridiculous for  me to sleep while I dream. When I dream, you'll see how weird life is like. It affected me due to the fact that they schooled me too much. It's been a long time since I went to middle school. And since back then, my parents will never ever know about me and those upcoming adventures until I found out to get caught for reading a dark book. After I read it, I was like "What?! I just want more! I really don't care about the light!" Instead, I easily got bored with The Magician's Nephew, thus knowing "What a stupid book!". I abandoned the series for six years and moved on with my life to be in the Resource Reading program in order to read the required literature. It feels like a train wreck to me, but I want to be with the cool crowd when I grow up, but I would've listened to the bad techno new wave 80s and I would've partied. Instead, I became a sci-fi nerd. Nerds were awesome, but I'm sorry HSM Wildcat fans, looks like you'll be watching Contact the 1997 film instead. It will change your life forever and before you know it, Romeo and Juliet would be a million times better than Teen Beach Movie. Please do subscribe to HISHE and comment how Teen Beach Movie should have ended in the way Romeo and Juliet originally ended. If you're going to do it, do it right now.

Thank you and have a great day! xD

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