Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Countdown to Windows XP Extended Support Ending Special

        Since Windows XP is coming to an end in less than 40 days after almost my "regular school life (K-12)", I already finished Maximum Ride #3: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports just in time for the full run of Sonic Underground - one episode per day, leading up to the deadline: April 8, 2014 (which is my dad's 59th birthday). The show is very awesome and funny, I loved it even though that I was just thinking of the extreme makeover from a children's picture book in format of a cartoon TV show to a YA novel in format of a fanfic coming soon (Did you know Julayla's version is more intense and mature than I have?). After the deadline, I'll try to warm-up in preparation for the Protectors pentalogy from Maximum Ride (I know some of the people dislike the pentalogy). If there's much time, I believe I'll do something like... reading thus starting with Where She Went by Gayle Forman which kicks off the Love Story Double Feature, following by the Bind Side by Michael Lewis (a blind date special for our school library) and so forth that by or before St. Patrick's Day, I'll make sure to go back to the medieval world starting with perhaps Avalon High by Meg Cabot, continuation of the Merlin trilogy by James Mallory (with The King's Wizard and End of Magic if my order 'uncancels' from, or maybe Girl in a Cage by Jane Yolen and Princess Academy by Shannon Hale (if we can get a bookshelf). Since XP was coming to an end 12 days prior to Easter, things might want to get so brightened up I won't want to miss out on all of the fun with some fairy tale funsies if time. From the multicultural show and all the way up to the end of the school year which is graduation, I'll at least can look forward to the season finale with at least a few parters from Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld and all the way until the end...
        At least I forgot to add Zoey onto the population before Max #3, I got a hint first and then... voila! There you have it! 467 people in this place of imagination. I hope everybody else will stare at me, but nobody in this world will know how. But the next thing I ought to know is that there's going to be a hint for the upcoming book review: 67 days on a tour around a globe from August 13, 2010 until November? What the heck is Adam Wilde from the If I Stay 2-Parter up to next?! I thought it was Tuesday, October 19 of 2010. Sure thing that everything turned out to be just fine, but with the perspectives on the other hand - it's switiching places between what's really happening now in the main journey of pure imagination and what's going to begin a love triangle in a while starting with the prologue of the second installment where the opposing team begins and how does it all start. Don't worry, the first installment is over with and things will not going to be pretty by the time the Flock comes back for more action after Sonic Underground so they can start new adventures in a new volume of adventure starting with The Final Warning. It'll affect until the day before the deadline where everything is back to normal and now the real fun begins BIG time, but with this length around, there's still be hedgehog triplets and the Flock plus Black Blazer, me and Emma (that makes twelve from ages 6-18 plus Total) versus Grozen?! What?
        There shall be more special times, more imagination running wild than ever, more awesomeness, more craziness about the road ahead and more of the sprinting for the Broke and the Bookish ahead. But whatever you do, update your computer from XP to make a big switch to a newer one. Right now, hurry, XP won't last long, just hurry to a supermarket before the viruses attack!

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