Friday, September 6, 2013

Life of Pi Book Review

        It's another one similar to "Castaway '00", except more water. "The Life of Pi" was definitely a recommended "request" for seniors over the past summer, it's the one I used to await for so long, but now it's no pure imagination for it's a survival story of a 16-year old boy named Pi and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

        After a shipwreck and a storm, Pi was left on the lifeboat but he got several animals - RP, a Grant zebra, a hyena, a giraffe and a orangutan. After most of the animals were eliminated from the boat, now comes the challenge for Pi and RP to take on the survival by learning how to survive.

        Since this book has been adapted into film and was nominated Best Picture from the Oscars, it was such a modern classic you will cherish for.

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