Saturday, September 28, 2013

More Progression, Less LP & Blogs

        Looks like I started the world history textbook last night, it has lessons in it. Babylon is exactly located in Iraq - it's 32 N 44 E. It was used to be a slave place for Hebrews for 70 years back in the Bible days, but now, it's a desolate land in which no one can enter - only the wild animals live in. Wouldn't that be fun if you see birds pooping on the statue. That's mockery. And why do I need to catch-up on grade check. Keep up the good grades and my parents will do the rest for me to have a scholarship. And plus, when I go home from school, I'm going straight to homework and I'll do it as fast as I could. If time spares, more progression on books, fairy tales, and devos. But first, after all of the homework and missing assignments are done and due for a Monday, we'll pick up the six sources for the CP at the library along with the final installment of the Fugitives trilogy and first installment of Protectors pentalogy (last one for the original tetralogy). I'm literally catching up on the pure imaginative journey.
        Today, we're having an assembly with the guest speaker. A period takes 45 minutes each at this time. The assembly is very good, but I wish I could've stayed one more year in Washington which is 2007-2008 and then I'll be free to go to boarding school far away for the next two years and then go to West Salem High where I can go party until I graduate and go to Hollywood where I will be famous after partying at a four-year college in Florida. I should've become a celebrity when I grow up. I should've become selfish and get what I want for everything. My favorite movie should've been Disaster Movie if I was a celebrity, my favorite book series should've been Harry Potter, my favorite TV show should've been Hannah Montana, American Idol and X Factor, and my favorite video game besides my 8-year old favorite secret should've been the Sims series.

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        2007-2008 - the very worst school year of my life. I didn't do my homework and they attempt to force me to go to the PassRoom which is all 100% stupid, pointless and military-like. They even try to hold me back a grade, but I didn't; for I am free to go to Claggett Creek Middle School and I should've read the whole Maximum Ride until live and ongoing, for I am all 100% addicted to Star Wars and sci-fi. I'm really good at elementary literature because I was so right about this - perfect for 6th graders with low reading skills. The books were Sarah, Plain and Tall, Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, A Wrinkle in Time (which Disney adapted into film once and they'll do it again but this time a remake), a true story of a girl who escaped from Austria-German lands and ended up in the safe place, but years later, everything's back to normal in Europe like it is now (Exodus Hungarian Style), and finally a book I've been waiting for: Contact. After a third of the book, I got easily bored because it's an adult book of science and stars. I like the movie better. I was sorta bored because of the dialogue, but ok, great effects for the late 90s. Day camp is pointless, but good but I am so glad that it's all over. More than that, I hate Upward basketball and I should never do it to my kids. My parents held back a grade literally and I am the 7th grader. Thank goodness they kicked me out finally after a season, and moved on to jr. high sports. I am so excited for this - I'm on track and field two years, volleyball one year, and badminton one year.
        Here are the books I read while at junior high stage: 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Black Cauldron, A Wizard in a Tree, The Time Machine, King Arthur and His Knights, and Robin Hood. At the end, I read Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago Volumes 1 and 2, and The Shadows of the Empire.
        Moving on to high school stage, I really don't know what to deal with my life. I already said goodbye to celebrity life because Hannah Montana is over and I want to watch the whole series on Netflix, which is totally darn awesome but sad that I probably want to say my last goodbye. I was very shy and afraid of this. I really don't know how much interest what I'm doing next. The staff put me in the Language Arts Improvement and I was thinking what to do first in my life. The staff recommended me to go try for "Facing the Lions" which is a true story about the author's life and background story. After that, I like it because it's so realistic that imagine myself growing up at the poor European shepherd's community and ending up being a boarding school maid. Those are my first thoughts of pure imagination and I would like to get to know pure imagination more, so I tried for "Eragon". It's about a blonde 15-16 year old boy who raised a blue dragon named Saphira and they go on a journey with a master named Brom. It took a winter to go through this process, but in the end, Brom died. He was placed in the glass coffin of jewels of rainbow and was eventually sealed in the mountains. Saphira and Eragon go on their journey without a master's help. They ended up meeting up with friends. They go fight against the monsters and in the end the good guys won. Imagine my secret imaginative friend with his pocket monster friends go on the journey and defeat his own father's army. "Finding Miracles" is a good book, but it's a high school version of October Baby. It's about a older teen girl who finds herself about her background story and it gives her the shivers because she's allergic. She meets Pablo and they go to Mexico and Central South America to find her identity. Imagine myself having to meet my secret imaginative friend for the first time ever and having to know his own identity.

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        That's a long list to go, and much more pure imagination to think, but by the ways, here's the song about why choices is a huge thing in high school: One Voice by the Wailin' Jennys

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